With Covid not going away anytime soon it seems we continue our lives trying to live as normal as we can, to the fullest we can.
With our sports we need to be safe, make our own decisions and not rely upon the decision making of strangers when out and about. Even in the outdoors always carry a face covering and hand gel, not designed for the current situation, but coming into it's own is our Lesu Boot - the paw for your walking pole which offers even more these days - it's shape and colour enable you to stand out, mark your ground and help others keep their distance, along with no requirement to adjust and its all terrain grip your hands will remain clean.

Check out our store now to order yours.

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Nordic walkers have been social distancing since before we all ever spoke of such a thing, probably the most sociable sport in the world, when you are using poles you are generally 'poles apart', its only really the coffee at the end of a session where we catch up and distance where we get back to a 'new normal' So if you haven't tried Nordic walking, come and see what its all about with a taster session, feel 'the power of the poles' feels invigorated, make new friends and 'FEEL SAFE'

Click Nordic walking above and start the journey that will change your life - it's where 'Strangers become friends'